Camellia City Family Dentistry Blog

5 Simple Ways to Avoid Discomfort at Teeth Cleanings

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ccfdentistry @ 8:50 pm
A dental hygienist talking to a patient about her teeth cleaning

Teeth cleanings are an integral part of maintaining your oral hygiene long-term. They are one of the easiest ways to clear your teeth of any built-up plaque you may have missed. They can also be a tool your hygienist uses to spot issues that your dentist can take a look at.

If you have apprehensions about getting cleanings done due to discomfort, continue reading. Below are some expert tips to help you have a more pleasant experience.


Dental Insurance Vs. Dental Discount Plans

September 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ccfdentistry @ 6:13 pm
Woman with dark hair in blue scrubs smiling and handing a patient forms to fill out

There are plenty of financing options when it comes to your oral health. Whether you need basic preventative care or help paying for a more intensive procedure, you don’t want price to get in the way of achieving your ideal smile! Most practices accept various dental insurance plans so you can rest easy knowing you’re not going to break the bank. Many offices even offer their own discount plans, too, so those without insurance can get the care they need. If you’re wondering about the difference between insurance and discount plans, keep reading to find out!


How to Homeschool Your Kids About Dental Health

August 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ccfdentistry @ 6:39 am
Person playing with their kids

More and more, parents are making the decision to pull their kids out of the public school system and take their education into their own hands. This gives parents the opportunity to shape the curriculum their children are taught, which is an enormous benefit, but also an enormous responsibility.

From a dental perspective, one of the important things that you should teach your kids is the importance of proper dental hygiene and the consequences of neglecting the teeth. Thankfully, there is no shortage of resources out there that can help your kids engage with their oral health. Here are a few examples.


Missing Your Front Teeth? Dental Implants Can Do the Job!

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ccfdentistry @ 7:47 pm
Woman smiles.

Your front teeth are a crucial part of smiling and eating. When they are in place, they are both the most prominent teeth in a facial expression and the first ones to bite into food. People who have lost theirs can feel self-conscious about smiling. The good news is that dental implants can replace lost front teeth while mimicking their natural color, luster, shape, and function. Read on to learn more about how dental implants can restore your smile to the height of its glory.


Could You Use Veneers to Get Straighter Teeth?

June 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ccfdentistry @ 11:03 am
A close-up of straight porcelain veneers against a black background

It’s summer now, so you might feel insecure about your crooked teeth. That’s only natural – it can be awkward to flash a misshapen smile for vacation photos. Still, braces and aligners won’t (fully) straighten your pearly whites before the season’s end. Luckily, you can trust veneers to give you straighter teeth quickly. In fact, some people call these porcelain shells “instant orthodontics.” If you’d like to learn more, here’s a summary of the matter from your local Slidell dentist.

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